Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Open Source Libraries and the Unbearable Lightness of Active Participation

Post Evergreen Conference 2010 and mid-go live process (eyeballs deep in documentation and instructional design) I am struck over and over again (with semi-tiresome regularity) that
a) I want very much to contribute to this community
b) I wish there was some *one* person to just make a few decisions for me already
c) This one person could maybe be me, but well, by what "authority"?
d) How does one (even want to) tread the "Library Culture" and the "Geek Culture" anyway?
e) The whole idea is *exhausting*
f) This attitude - some hellbrew of enthusiasm, inertia, and random socialized mores - no doubt forms at least one stanchion in the rickety structure of modern librarianship.

Trying hard not to get maudlin and peevish...